5 Ways to Find More Time!
How often do you truly take inventory of your daily activities? Like legit, sit down and write down EVERYTHING you do in a 24 hour period?
If not, and you are always "so busy", "don't have time...", I challenge you to take 2 weeks (ok, fine even ONE WEEK) to document EVERY SINGLE ACTIVITY you do in a day!
If you've done it before, and it's been a hot minute, go revisit your log or do it again. Have behaviors changed? You see pockets of opportunity?
We live on a society where "I'm so busy" o…
How To Not Lose Your Cool With BACK TO SCHOOL

There is no doubt that back to school time can be the most stressful time of year for us mom's. We had all summer to relax, sleep in, and hang out with the kids. But now, its time to kick it into gear and get back to the real world. Right now I'm meal planning for the week! Who's got theirs done? I will post mine in the comments, but also had to tell you HOW GIDDY I am to kick off this PROJECT MOMLIFE - How To Not Lose Your Cool With Back To School!

Ok, this may be the #1 thing that was a GAME CH…
I put myself in time out
Yes, I put myself in time out. Sometimes, this Mom of 4, needs a time out. Just like the 4 of my kids need a time out (not the kind in the corner, but the "step away from the situation" kind.
To be honest, the last few days, I've wanted to lose my shit with my kids! It may seem picture perfect through my videos and photos, but truth my told, working from home, raising 2 school aged kids, toddler and crawling (and squawky) baby, is DAMN HARD! I'm not telling you things you don't already know.
I had…
To be honest, the last few days, I've wanted to lose my shit with my kids! It may seem picture perfect through my videos and photos, but truth my told, working from home, raising 2 school aged kids, toddler and crawling (and squawky) baby, is DAMN HARD! I'm not telling you things you don't already know.

Healthy Families
Words Of Encouragement
This is an inspirational story that any parent should read...
One of the best benefits of learning how to eat to fuel my body, as a mom, was learning what a healthy plate looks like. At Tony Horton Fitness Camps in the days of old, Tony used to talk about the important fuels for your body: lean protein, healthy fats, fruits, vegetables, and whole grains.
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